Books, Fiction, Authors, April Higney
Between Parallels

A Little About Me....or a lot, we'll see...

Well for one I didn't want to start with my Author Bio, because I like to change things up a bit, so if you want to read that check out my Amazon Author Profile.

As you might be able to tell I can be silly because I feel like humor is so important to have in a world that can be so chaotic. 

I am a 36 year-old (at least this year...) mother of one child.  I  started out my life with a strong love for drawing, painting, and enjoying moments in a local park in Massachusetts. Two brothers and one sister having fun and laughs, and sometimes of course our disputes. My mother had a certain kind of an influence on my life in my youth, growing up, listening to her reading her poetry. It always fascinated me. One of the things I remember her saying was: when writing, one of the best things you could hold is the gift of writing in the "third person" because it goes far beyond just yourself. A lot of times I have kept that in thought, and when writing poetry on some levels I use it often. Even if it is an emotion I am reflecting in myself on a more personal view, I will change the "I" in much of it, and when I read it again to myself it can find that place where others can somehow connect easier. (At least that is the objective.) ~ I didn't fully realize my love for poetry until around 2000, and many surrounding life issues. Most of my time and thought expressed emotions in the artwork and drawing, generally depicting what I looked at as peaceful and strong, or views of a "structured" representation, where I became fascinated with buildings and architecture. A lot of time in the outdoors, alone drawing, thinking, the subtle motions of the slightest breeze had some form of an effect on me I couldn't quite explain. Let's just say I was very in tune with the environment, or "kindred" I guess, but it was a part of me, an element I could understand far better than I could understand me and the kind of person I was and could be. I felt things, still feel things on odd deep levels that in some moments I try to push back and avoid....or now involving poetry I am driven to write. Why tell you all this? ~ Because it IS who I am.

So being a poet and artist, why delve into a fiction novel? My answer is: because it allows still the creative freedom in  writing, and can be realistic or touch base along other genres; it can travel, and it can be completely unreal, or based in some dreamscape, historical, present, or a futuristic impression.

My Introduction to Slipping Back and Forth Between Parallels (excerpt):

When going through life, we can disconnect ourselves from dreams once sought, love, once searched for, burying to the back of the mind some of the ill effects the world can cast upon us, through struggle, infidelities, injury, and tragedy. When it is pushed so far back, the mere mention of it can almost be non-existent, as we do not wish to recall, as well as things in regards to love, maybe one-sided. The deeper it is buried, the deeper the pain. Pushing those pains, those struggles to the back of our psyche, how do we ever get beyond them, how are we to know what is good, and what isn't, when the truth is hidden...even from our own view? Fascinated along the lines of psychology, spirituality, dreams, passion, love, and individuality. I find even myself analyzing the concepts in wonder, grasping at meaning, even when it can seem so complex and impossible, yet...who is to decide what is possible and what isn't? If a notion is believed in strongly enough from the heart, at its core, who is to say it is wrong? We are only human meant to make mistakes in a place that endures all, to learn, to discover for ourselves the better part of us from within. Then there is the struggle that tries hold on with all that it knows, with our human emotions, searching for ways to keep that vision alive. We choose what we want to believe in. Our minds can be as fragile as our hearts. Within the structure of our lives, we may find things to connect with, connect to. Others that border somehow along the similar paths we have chosen. Often through certain circumstances some can also discover things that could be regarded as unexplainable, like deja vu, or if minds are open to visual placements, even susceptible to far stronger elements pertaining to life as well as death.
~ While putting together the concept of this book, there is crossing parallels between the life of a man, his world, and how he views it, through dreams, and memories, self-discovery, true love, and clinging to the hopes of a reality he wished for. For him an unveiling of memories and buried secrets, and stepping into territories beyond his own, connecting with another's visions; his love, her struggles, her dreams, coinciding with his painful memories. Merging. How much would one endure to continue believing in what is thought to be a dream of love?....or is it?

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Read the First Chapter of My Book on BookBuzzr!
Books, Novels, Fiction, Authors, New Release, April Higney, Art, Artist, Poet, Poetry, Slipping Back and Forth Between Parallels, Amazon, Paperback, Kindle, Paintings, Photography